2024 Flooding
The deadline to apply for the FEMA Public Assistance Program (PA) is 30 calendar days after the Federal Disaster Declaration date.
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Vermont Disaster Declaration
(click above for details)
State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) - (phone) 1-800-347-0488 or (email) ADM.2024FLOODS@Vermont.gov
If your municipality has resource needs, please notify your municipality's Emergency Management Director (EMD) and ask your EMD to call or email the SEOC.
Vermont Emergency Management (VEM) Facebook Page
The latest flood updates from VEM: https://www.facebook.com/vermontemergencymanagement
Road Closures:
Visit https://newengland511.org/for state road closures.
Local road closures are not shown on 511; please respect all local detours. Some local road closures can be found on the Waze crowd-sourced navigation app. This free, Google-owned GPS app provides travelers with up-to-date navigation and traffic information. Municipalities can set up an account and use Waze to list local road closures.
Page Navigation Tips
- Scroll down to find our very latest News and Resources. Click the LOAD MORE button repeatedly to show earlier entries.
- If you are having a hard time locating something on any of our pages, try searching by keyword: press the "Ctrl" and "F" keys simultaneously to make a little box appear somewhere on your screen (the location varies by browser), and enter your keyword there. Or scroll to the top of the page and click on the small magnifying glass icon in the top right corner.
Communication from VEM (July 2024):
7/11/2024, 11:27 AM - Kim Canarecci, FEMA PA Information for the July 10, 2024 Flood Event (Spreadsheet attached to email for cost tracking)
7/18/2024, 5:54 PM - Kim Canarecci, Municipal Flood Response and Volunteer Labor
8/28/2024 - VEM 2024 Flood Guidance
Governor's Disaster Press Releases
July 29 to 31, 2024, Storm
- Governor Phil Scott Requests Federal Disaster Declaration for July 29 to 31 Storm - Published 8/28/2024.
- President Biden Approves Major Disaster Declaration for July 29 to 31 Flooding - Published 9/27/2024.
July 9 to 11, 2024, Storm
- President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Vermont Disaster Declaration - Published 8/20/2024.
- President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Emergency Declaration for Vermont - Published 8/9/2024.
- Governor Phil Scott Requests Federal Disaster Declaration for July 10 to 11 Storm - Published 8/3/2024.
June 22, 2024, Storm
- Governor Phil Scott Requests Federal Disaster Declaration for June 22 to 24 Storm - Requested 8/1/2024.
- President Biden Approves Major Disaster Declaration for Floods of June 23, 2024 - Published 9/12/2024.
Communications from Other State Entities
7/15/2024 - NRB: Flood Response Emergency Order for Act 250 Operations
7/16/2024 - NRB: Severe Storm 2024 Recovery webpage
8/2/2024 - Dan Batsie, Vermont National Guard Utilization During a Disaster
Other State Press Releases
7/11/2024 - ANR: ANR Encourages Flood Safety and Environmental Protection During Flood Response and Recovery
7/12/2024 - VEM: Flood Cleanup Resources and Guidance
7/12/2024 - ANR: Dam Safety Activities Post-Storm
7/15/2024 - VEM - July 15 Recovery Update
7/15/2024 - ANR: DEC on How to Safely Pump Out Basements
7/16/2024 - ANR: Flood Recovery Work in Vermont Rivers and Streams
7/23/2024 - ANR: ANR Resources for Flood Recovery and Resilience
8/2/2024 - ANR: Flood Debris Removal Guidelines for Small Waterways, Property Damage
- Protecting Workers and Volunteers During Flood Cleanup (VLCT)
- Clean and Prevent Mold - Vermont Department of Health
- Fuel Tank Spills – VANR Spills Program
Funding and Financing
- Emergency Relief Assistance for Federal-Aid Highways - FEMA Public Assistance does not cover Federal-Aid Highways.
- Vermont Bond Bank – VBB is actively tracking the short term and long term financing needs of Vermont's communities in support of borrowing.
- Working Capital Financings: Federal Tax Law Considerations - Vermont Bond Bank guidance on when short term borrowings for municipalities can be completed on a tax-exempt basis.
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Compliance
- After A Flood: Information for Flood-Damaged Communities - Municipal support for permitting and substantial damage estimation. Includes DEC contacts for assistance, coaching resources, and handouts and posts municipalities can use for property owner outreach.
- Guidance: Help for Communities on How to Comply with FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program After a Flood - Communities must complete Substantial Damage estimates and permitting to remain in good standing for the NFIP. Published 7/21/2023.
- Resources for Municipal Administrative Officers - ANR guidance about Substantially Damaged (SD) and Substantial Improvement (SI) determinations. Includes draft public information post, template letter for building owner, and more.
- FEMA SI/SD Checklist - Initial screening thresholds and included/excluded improvement cost
Water and Wastewater
- Mutual Aid through Vermont Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (VT WARN) - Equipment and personnel assistance.
- EPA: Lessons Learned from Water/Wastewater Utilities that Participated in FEMA's Public Assistance Grant Program - Discusses Immediate Needs Funding for emergency work and has other practical advice. Published May 2012.
Where to Find Help
- Report a Landslide to the Vermont Geological Survey - This is NOT for emergency response.
- Property Concerns with Rivers and Streams - Frequently Asked Questions answered by Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
- Flood Safety Tips and Resources - Has contact list for plumbers and electricians by county and flood safety information sheets you can post or use for resident messaging.
- Flood Risk and Historic Buildings - State Historic Preservation Office guidance
- Mobile Home Condemnation and Public Building Assistance - Contact the Division of Fire Safety at 802-479-7561 for assistance.
- Statewide Contracts Search Tool - AI powered tool to assist municipalities and other political subdivisions to purchase goods and services under the terms negotiated by the State Office of Purchasing and Contracting on select statewide contracts.
- How to Manager Flood Damage to Trees - Recommended by the VT Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation. Trees many need special, post-flood care to minimize longer-term damage.
- Starting Over Strong Vermont - Flood recovery outreach program for individuals and communities through community outreach and access to mental health services. Municipalities can use this service for their employees and volunteers.
Communication from State Agencies
July 2023 Flood
- VEM: First Few Days of Flood Recovery (7/11/2023)
- VEM: Guidance for Town Officials - July 2023 Flooding Recovery (7/11/2023)
- VEM: Debris Guidance and FEMA Eligibility (7/14/2023)
- VEM: Town Equipment Documentation for FEMA (7/17/2023)
- VEM: Flood Work and Contractors! Must Read (7/22/2023)
- VEM: FEMA Public Assistance DR4720 (7/24/2023)
- VEM: FEMA R1 EHP (Environmental Historic Preservation) Disaster Activities (7/24/2023)
- DEC: Municipal Roads General Permit - Storm Damage Culvert Repair & Change of Contact (7/24/2023)
- DEC: Flood-Related Hazardous Materials and Debris Collection Assistance Available - Municipal Action Required by 7/26/23 (7/25/2023)
- VEM: Applicant Briefings Scheduled (7/26/2023)
- DEC: Flood-Related Hazardous Materials and Debris Collection Assistance Available - Deadline Extended! (7/26/2023) Contact Steven Young at 802-261-5823 or steven.young@vermont.gov for municipal assistance with debris removal.
- VEM: Public Assistance FEMA DR4720 Flood Information All in One Spot! (7/27/2023)
- DEC: How to Make Aboveground Storage Tanks in Flood-Prone Areas More Safe (8/24/2023)
- ANR: After a Flood - River and Stream Debris Management - Guidance on managing the removal of flood-related debris in and along rivers and streams (9/1/2023)
- VEM: FEMA Eligibility for Management of River Debris - Reminders for Public Assistance applicants. (10/12/2023)
- VEM: DR-4720 Governor's Selection of 30-Day Window - 100% FEMA PA reimbursement for Cat A expenses incurred from July 9 through August 7 and Cat B expenses incurred from July 13 through August 11. (2/9/2024)
- Vermont Tax Dept.: Municipality Reimbursement for Flood-related Education Property Tax Abatements - Reimbursement to municipalities for flood-related education property tax abatements and associated borrowing expenses. (2/13/2024)
State of Vermont Press Releases
July 2023 Floods
- ANR Press Release: Vermont has a High Risk of Landslides after Recent Flooding - Published 7/14/2023
- ANR Press Release: Flood Recovery Work in Rivers and Streams - Published 7/14/2023
- DEC Press Release: Dam Safety Inspections - Published 7/18/2023
- DEC Press Release: Increasing Waste Disposal Opportunities for Vermont Communities During Flood Recovery - Published 7/20/23. Call before you haul.
- Governor Scott Announces Emergency Gap Funding - Published 7/21/2023. Early release of State payments to municipalities plus business assistance program.
- Governor Scott Appoints Doug Farnham as Chief Recovery Officer - Published 8/2/2023.
- Flood Recovery Public Space Clean Up Day - Sign up your town for volunteer assistance to clean up flood impacted public properties. Published 8/15/2023.
- VLCT's FEMA PA Program webpage
- Recent FEMA Disasters and Other Declarations in Vermont. Use to find the types of assistance designated.
- Severe Storm and Flooding DR4816 (August 22-24, 2024)
- Severe Storm, Flooding, Landslides, and Mudslides DR4826 (July 29-31, 2024)
- Severe Storm, Flooding, Landslides, and Mudslides DR4810 (July 9-11, 2024)
- Tropical Depression Debbie EM3609 (August 8-10, 2024)
- Severe Winter Storm DR4770 (January 9-13, 2024)
- Severe Storms and Flooding DR4762 (December 18-19, 2023)
- Severe Storms and Flooding DR4744 (August 3-4, 2023)
- Severe Storms, Flooding, Landslides, and Mudslides DR4720 (July 7-21, 2023)
- Flooding EM3595 (July 9-17, 2023)
- FEMA Press Release: President Increases Federal Cost Share for Vermont - Published 7/18/2023. Applies to State-designated 30-day period for July 2023 floods.
- Incident Period for July 2023 Floods extended! Damages incurred from July 7 through July 21, 2023, eligible.
- FEMA Schedule of Equipment Rates 2021 (use for July 2023 events; DO NOT USE 2023 rates)
- FEMA Schedule of Equipment Rates 2023 (use for August & December 2023 and July & August 2024 events; DO NOT USE 2021 rates)
Vermont Emergency Declaration and Addendums
2024 July Flood
- Amended and Restated Executive Order 03-23. Declaration of State of Emergency, Guard Call-Out and Activation of Emergency Operations Plan for the State of Vermont in Response to Anticipated Storm-Related Damage - Governor Phil Scott 7/10/2024
- Addendum 1 to Amended and Restated Executive Order 03-23. Addendum 1 to the Declaration of State of Emergency, Guard Call-Out and Activation of Emergency Operations Plan for the State of Vermont in Response to Anticipated Storm-Related Damage - Governor Phil Scott 7/13/2024
- Addendum 2 to Amended and Restated Executive Order 03-23 - Continues previous order to prepare for and respond to Tropical Storm Debbie, extends certain regulatory relief timeframes, modifieds certain ANR Rules, and addresses debris removal. - Governor Phil Scott 8/8/2024
- Addendum 3 to Amended and Restated Executive Order 03-23 - Expedites siting and placement of manufactured home units in existing registered State manufactured home parks through mobilization of State resources, modifications to State permit and rules, waivers of State purchasing rules and procedures, and implementation of a retroactivity shield. - Governor Phil Scott 8/9/2024
- Addendum 4 to Amended and Restated Executive Order 03-23 - Extends regulatory relief to the expiration of the Emergency Declaration, but not later than December 31, 2024. - Governor Phil Scott 10/1/2024
- Emergency Declaration (Executive Order 03-23) - Governor Phil Scott 7/9/2023
- Addendum 1 to Executive Order 03-23 Regulatory Relief for Infrastructure Rebuild - Governor Phil Scott 7/13/2023
- Addendum 2 to Executive Order 03-23 Additional Regulatory Relief - Governor Phil Scott 7/19/2023
- Addendum 3 to Executive Order 03-23 Licensee Regulatory Relief - Governor Phil Scott 7/20/2023
- Addendum 4 to Executive Order 03-23 Regulatory Relief (partially pertains to municipal water/wastewater professionals) - Governor Phil Scott 7/20/2023
- Addendum 5 to Executive Order 03-23 Stream Alteration and Dam Safety Notice Modifications - Governor Phil Scott 8/1/2023
- Directive 1: Debris Removal Directs VTrans, DPS, the Chief Recovery Officer, and VANR to clear or remove debris and wreckage that may threaten public health or safety, or public or private property at the discretion of VTrans - Governor Phil Scott 8/25/2023
- Governor Scott Requests Major Disaster Declaration for Early August Flooding - Request covers repair of public infrastructure in Addison and Rutland Counties for August 3-5, 2023. Press Release published 9/27/2023.
- Addendum 6 to Executive Order 03-23 Rescinds and reissues Addendum 1 for infrastructure rebuild regulatory relief for certain businesses. - Governor Phil Scott 10/10/2023 (Extension requires refiling NRB Act 250 waiver documentation.)
- Addendum 9 to Executive Order 03-23. Ends waiver of Act 250 Land Use Permit conditions on gravel pit and rock quarry extraction, asphalt plants and concrete plants no later than January 15, 2024. - Governor Phil Scott 12/14/2023.
- Addendum 10 to Executive Order 03-23. Ends waiver of Act 250 Land Use Permit conditions on gravel pit and rock quarry extraction, asphalt plants and concrete plants no later than February 15, 2024. - Governor Phil Scott 1/12/2024.
In addition to FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) program, your municipality or residents may be eligible for the programs listed below. Deadlines for applications vary among the programs. These opportunities are described more fully on our Open Funding Opportunities webpage. Check back periodically as we will add to this list.
- FHWA Emergency Relief - Supports repair or reconstruction of Federal-aid highways and roads on Federal lands which have suffered serious damage because of natural disasters or catastrophic failures from an external cause. These roads are NOT eligible for FEMA Public Assistance.
- Vermont Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund (ERAF) - Through this program, the State of Vermont pays a share of the required local match for FEMA Public Assistance. The State contribution is based on disaster preparedness actions taken by the municipality. Find your municipality's ERAF rate at Flood Ready Vermont.
- Vermont Emergency Management Property Buyouts (July 2023 Flooding) - Grant funding is available to cover 100% of the project cost for the voluntary purchase of properties (residential, commercial, or vacant parcels) that are at risk from flooding. Property owners or municipalities can complete a form, which VEM will use to match the proposed buyout to the best grant program.
- USDA Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) - The EWP Program is a recovery effort aimed at relieving imminent hazards to life and property caused by floods, fires, windstorms, and other natural disasters. Public and private landowners are eligible for assistance but must be represented by a project sponsor.
Application deadline is 9/7/2023.NEW: Municipalities have two options to access this program. 1) Municipalities can apply directly to NRCS. NRCS has extended the Request for Assistance deadline to October 12, 2023. 2) Municipalities also can submit proposed projects to the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR). ANR submitted a Request for Assistance Letter to NRCS offering to sponsor or co-sponsor any Vermont project. Projects submitted through ANR can be submitted after October 12, 2023. Contact John Smeltzer, DEC, at 802-249-5620 to submit through VANR. - USDA Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) Floodplain Buyout - Use this program where structure projects to reduce threats from flooding and erosion are not cost-effective and/or beneficial. (Use VEM's program first!)
- EDA Disaster Supplemental Funding - Supports disaster recovery activities including economic recovery strategic planning grants, public works construction projects including broadband and resiliency projects, workforce development, capitalization of revolving loan funds, and economic development projects that enhance density in the vicinity of other economic development. Vermont qualifies for FY2022 funding.
- USDA Rural Development Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants (ECWAG) - Helps eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. Contact Rebecca Schrader, Lead Community Program Specialist, Rebecca.schrader@usda.gov, before pursuing an application
- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) - Supports projects such as mitigation of local roads and bridges, home acquisition (buyout), structural elevations or relocations, replacement of undersized culverts, mitigation outreach and education, etc. Project do not need to be directly connected to damage incurred from this disaster.
- EPA Drinking Water System Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability - Supports underserved, small, and disadvantaged communities to increase drinking water facility resilience to natural hazards. Disadvantaged Community is determined by the State’s affordability criteria.
- AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Traditional Disaster Response - Provides a team of 8-12 AmeriCorps NCCC members for disaster response, recovery, and mitigation activities.
- Clean Water Initiative Flood Response and Recovery - Municipalities can use this funding to perform preliminary assessment of clean water project losses. Other municipal activities may be eligible. Last resort funding after sources like FEMA PA and insurance used.
State of Vermont
- Vermont Emergency Management
- Vermont Emergency Management Public Assistance
- Agency of Natural Resources
- Department of Environmental Conservation - After a Flood
- Department of Health
- Department of Mental Health
- Department of Libraries
- Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation - Guidance for municipal parks and recreation departments
- Division of Fire Safety - Safety and inspections after a flood
- Division for Historic Preservation - Guidance for historic buildings and sites
- Agency of Agriculture, Foods, and Market
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- Flood Ready Vermont
- Act 250 Temporary Waivers 2023 Flood - Form and instructions to access waiver. Reminder, waivers ended 02/15/2024.
- Act 250 Temporary Waivers 2024 Flood - Information for earth extraction and asphalt industries and for manufactured home parks.
- Vermont Bond Bank - Resources and reminders about short- and long-term financing needs, cost documentation best practices, etc. for response and recovery.
Vermont Emergency Declaration and Addendums
- Emergency Declaration (Executive Order 03-23) - Governor Phil Scott 7/9/23
- Addendum 1 to Executive Order 03-23 Regulatory Relief for Infrastructure Rebuild - Governor Phil Scott 7/13/23
- Addendum 2 to Executive Order 03-23 Additional Regulatory Relief - Governor Phil Scott 7/19/23
- Addendum 3 to Executive Order 03/23 Licensee Regulatory Relief - Governor Phil Scott 7/20/23
- Addendum 4 to Executive Order 03-23 Regulatory Relief (partially pertains to municipal water/wastewater professionals) - Governor Phil Scott 7/20/2023
- Addendum 5 to Executive Order 03-23 Stream Alteration and Dam Safety Notice Modifications - Governor Phil Scott 8/1/2023
Other Resource Websites
- Vermont Bond Bank - Flood Response Resource Page
- National Weather Service Forecast Office - Burlington, Vermont
- National Weather Service Forecast Office, - Albany, New York
- Road Conditions
- Track River Forecasts and Levels (National Weather Service)
- Vermont 211 or Dial 211
General - Applies to Individual, Business, and Nonprofit Assistance
- Governor's Office Flood Recovery Resources - Compilation of resources to help individuals and businesses navigate flood response and recovery.
- Cleaning Up After the Flood Resources - Agency of Natural Resources guidance and resources
- Guidance for Vermont Flood Recovery Health and Safety - Vermont Department of Health (VDH) Frequently Asked Questions
- Clean and Prevent Mold - Vermont Department of Health
- VT DEC Property Concerns with Rivers and Streams - Frequently Asked Questions
- Multi Agency Resource Centers - Assistance to those affected by this disaster
- USDA NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program - For imminent threats to life and property. Projects or floodplain buyouts. Governmental entity must be applicant. 60-day window from disaster event to apply.
- Vermont Language Justice Project Videos - Resource for non-English speakers to access flood safety information
- Translated Recovery Materials - A variety of recovery materials translated to multiple languages
- Report Damages to 211 Flyer - For posting
- VT Division of Fire Safety Disaster Placards - What do the placards (tags) colors represent? Can they be removed?
- Plumbers and Electricians Contact List - Published by the Vermont Secretary of State and the Division of Fire Safety. List is organized by county.
- Vermont State and Local Level Referrals - Where to find help for disaster recovery needs.
- Incident Period for July Floods extended! Damages incurred from July 7 through July 21, 2023 eligible.
Individual Assistance
- Open Shelters - VT 211 tracking
- Individual assistance - Site for reporting damages now to inform the state's FEMA request.
- FEMA Individual Assistance Information - VEM website summarizing available assistance, non-monetary services, eligibility criteria, and more
- Request Volunteer Help to Assist with Home Cleaning - Call VT 211. If you can't get through, try 866-652-4636 or 802-652-4636.
- Debris Removal Guidelines for Private Residential Properties
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) - For certain individuals whose employment is lost or interrupted as a direct result of this flood event. Deadline to apply extended to 9/29/2023.
- Vermont Emergency Eats - Meals available for individuals whose food security has been negatively impacted because of the July 2023 flood.
- Loss of 3Squares VT due to Household Misfortune/Flood- Current 3 Squares Vermont recipients that experienced a loss may call 1-800-479-6151. Replacement requests due by 08/31/2023. Hot Foods Waiver Extension extended through 09/17/2023.
Business Assistance
- Business Resources - Agency of Commerce Business Recovery Center
- Business Emergency Gap Grant Program - VT Department of Economic Development NEW 9/20/2023: Award amounts increased!
- Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program for Agriculture - VT Agency of Agriculture NEW 9/20/2023: Award amounts increased!
- Vermont Arts & Culture Disaster and Resilience Network - Assistance for Arts and Culture organizations
- Agricultural Businesses - Agency of Agriculture website
- USDA Designates Vermont as Natural Disaster Areas for July Flooding - 9/5/2023 press release. Farm operators eligible for Farm Service Agency (FSA) emergency loans.
- Small Business Administration extends deadline for Disaster Loan applications to 10/12/2023.
- Small Business Administration extends deadline for Disaster Loan applications to 10/31/2023.
Nonprofit Assistance
- Flood Recovery Mini-Grants - Libraries eligible. Lake Champlain Basin Program grants for damage repairs or supply replacement not covered by insurance, or for staff time supporting flood-damaged communities or surveying project sites. Due 08/21/23.
- Small Business Administration extends deadline for Disaster Loan applications to 10/12/2023.
- Small Business Administration extends deadline for Disaster Loan applications to 10/31/2023.