VLCT’s Public Policy Advocates represent Vermont municipalities before numerous entities, including the Vermont Legislature and state agencies, members of Congress, federal agencies, and outside interest groups. Guided by VLCT’s Municipal Policy, which is annually approved by the VLCT membership, as well as by Board direction during the legislative session, Advocacy staff work to educate legislators, members of the executive branch and the general public on issues of concern to local officials, and to secure legislative and executive action on priority issues for cities and towns.
Meet Your Advocacy Team
Josh Hanford, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, and Samantha Sheehan, Municipal Policy and Advocacy Specialist, – represents municipal interests at the state and federal levels. During every legislative session, they follow issues that develop (or don’t) into bills and acts, looking out for and asserting the concerns of local government wherever appropriate. Josh and Samantha also keep VLCT members apprised of this “sausage making” process throughout the legislative session.
The VLCT Advocacy team and VLCT leadership also participate in state agency rulemaking, quasi-judicial hearings, and permit processes. They collaborate with affiliated local government organizations such as the Green Mountain Water Environment Association, the Vermont Municipal Clerks’ and Treasurers’ Association, Vermont Town and City Managers’ Association, and the Vermont Planners Association. At the federal level, they work with Vermont’s congressional delegation and represent Vermont municipal interests in Congress and before federal agencies through VLCT’s membership in the National League of Cities.