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Legislative Reports

Each Friday during the legislative session VLCT Advocacy publishes a Weekly Legislative Report and archives it here for the duration of the biennium. You may now also follow key issues throughout the session via the topical Advocacy Updates pages below. 

The State House is entering the last few innings of the legislative session, and things are getting a bit unpredictable – particularly for a legislative session with the largest percentage of new members in memory. At this point, legislators are...

Concerning the Appropriations Bill (H.494), of particular interest to local governments is the discussion about revolving loan funds for water infrastructure funding and pollution control. This is intertwined with the need to allocate matching funds...

This was a very active week in the legislature. The House took up the budget bill, capital bill, transportation bill, and property tax yield rates – and passed all of them. Dispatch and housing were also on the docket, and the Senate finally passed a...