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Legislative Reports

Each Friday during the legislative session VLCT Advocacy publishes a Weekly Legislative Report and archives it here for the duration of the biennium. You may now also follow key issues throughout the session via the topical Advocacy Updates pages below. 

The State House is spinning this week. While committees struggle to address some of the issues raised by their colleagues before bills are voted on by their whole chamber, amendments to bills that were voted out of committee last week are flying...

In the first week back from the Town Meeting break, legislators rushed to get bills out of committees ahead of the crossover deadline (today). 

Your advocacy staff worked hard to assure that legislative committees understand local government...

Next week is Town Meeting in most of the state, and the Legislature takes a seventh inning stretch – to visit with voters at town annual meetings and to rejuvenate themselves for the second half of the session.  

Ahead of the Town Meeting week...