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Law Enforcement Consultation Program

Municipal law enforcement, whether embodied in a department of any size or a single constable, requires functioning under some very difficult conditions and navigating many complex issues. Because law enforcement’s potential for Worker’s Compensation, Auto, and Liability claims is naturally high, PACIF created this program to help members identify risk reduction opportunities within their operations.

PACIF’s Law Enforcement Consultant is Trevor Whipple, who has more than 30 years of law enforcement experience, including 19 years as Chief, serving in both the City of South Burlington and the City of Barre. In his role at PACIF, he works closely with members to evaluate their law enforcement practices from a risk management perspective and recommends ways to reduce claim risk and implement best practices. This involves working directly with chiefs, command staff, and municipal managers/administrators.

This program provides current PACIF members with:

  • Access to free model policing policies and assistance with developing and implementing them to suit their municipality’s particular circumstances;
  • Assessments of law enforcement operational risk and recommendations for improvement;
  • Consultation and guidance for non-police leaders carrying out their law enforcement-related responsibilities such as issuing RFPs for contracted police services, recruiting police chiefs, and overseeing human resource matters;
  • Free online training through PACIF Learn; and
  • Support for implementing officer-focused physical and mental wellness programs.

Police chiefs and constables of current PACIF members can use the VLCT PACIF Online Law Enforcement Policies Portal to find model policies on topics that are critical to law enforcement operations and risk management. This site also has many useful forms for use by law enforcement departments. Members seeking access will please email for details.

We encourage member law enforcement leaders, officials, municipal managers, and constables to pose questions to and request assistance from PACIF's Law Enforcement Consultant by contacting Trevor Whipple at 800-649-7915, ext. 1929 or
