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PACIF Members: Exchange Claim-Related Files with Us More Securely Yet Easily

August 12, 2024

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Claim-related information routinely has personal data, such as social security numbers, dates of birth, driver’s license numbers, financials, addresses, and medical records. This information should be protected as much as possible, especially in today’s virtual world.  

VLCT PACIF has been using a convenient and secure program called ShareBase to transmit documents in certain parts of claim handling. That’s why, over the last year or so, one of our claim representatives may have emailed your municipality’s claims contact person a ShareBase link to use instead of regular email for sending or retrieving claim documents. This is such a crucial and easy step that very soon it will be a permanent addition to PACIF’s claim handling process.  

If you report and/or follow up on PACIF claims (whether property, vehicle, or workers’ compensation) for your municipality, here’s what to expect. 

When you first report a claim, the acknowledgement email you receive will contain the claim number, the name and contact information of the claim representative (adjuster) who is handling the claim, and two ShareBase links.  

  • The first link is for you to retrieve copies of the acknowledgement letter and your First Report of Injury (FROI, for a workers’ compensation claim) or your First Notice of Loss (FNOL, for a property or vehicle claim) for your records. This link will expire in 14 days.  

  • The second link is for you to send documents to the claim representative. It will remain active for as long as the claim is open. The documents you put into it will disappear from your view immediately and will be added directly to our document management system.  

When you receive the first applicable notification and link, please reach out to the adjuster for instructions on how to use the ShareBase links. Password protection is an important layer in this secure cyber process – in addition to complex encryption – and we want the links to be easy for you to use. Contact us if you need assistance, want tips on making the claim links easy to access within your web browser, or have any questions about the new process.  

Thank you for being a PACIF member and learning this new and very important procedure! 


Peggy Gates, Manager, Workers' Compensation Claims, VLCT PACIF
Kelly Kindestin, Manager, Property & Casualty Claims, VLCT PACIF