Yes. Sole-sourcing may be allowed for non-state entities during emergency or exigent circumstances, but they must still follow federal procurement regulations:
- Contracts must include the required contract clauses.
- Contract must include the federal bonding requirements if the contract is for construction or facility improvement.
- Contract must be awarded to a responsible contractor.
- Non-state applicant must complete a cost or price analysis to determine that the cost or price of the contract is fair and reasonable.
- Contract must not be a cost-plus-percentage-of-cost contract type.
- When using a time-and-materials contract, non-state applicants must comply with the applicable rules.
- Document any known conflicts of interest and any efforts that were made to identify possible conflicts of interest before the sole-sourced contract was awarded.
(Source: FEMA: An Exception to the Rules During Emergency or Exigent Circumstances)