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Helpful Resources for Your Municipality

The following list of State of Vermont offices, federal government, and municipal organizations, and others is a good place to start if you’re looking for help on a specific topic or issue beyond what VLCT can provide. VLCT staff work directly with many of these and direct our members to them when needed. While this list isn’t comprehensive, it includes contact information for offices we’re frequently asked about. Note that many of the web pages below highlight coronavirus information.

Vermont's Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches

Office of Governor Phil Scott

Vermont General Assembly, State Legislature

Vermont Statutes Online

Find a Legislator

Vermont Judiciary

Vermont Judiciary Environmental Division 

Vermont Judiciary Judicial Bureau 


Agencies and Organizations – by topic

Community and Economic Development

Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD)

ACCD Funding and Incentives

Regional Development Corporations

Vermont Council on Rural Development


Vermont Secretary of State, Elections Division  (William Senning, Director, 802-828-2363 or

Environment, Natural Resources, Planning

Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, Land Use and Renewable Energy

Vermont Agency of Natural Resources  (802-828-1294 or

Department of Environmental Conservation

Regional Planning Commissions

Vermont Planning Information Center

Vermont Public Utility Commission 

Finance and Tax

Vermont Department of Taxes, Division of Property Valuation and Review (802-828-5860; District Advisor Help Desk 802-828-6887)

U.S. Internal Revenue Service Tax Information for Federal, State, and Local Governments (FSLET)

FSLET Customer Services

Customer Account Services: 877-829-5500

Technical Service Operation: 866-455-7438

Federal Tax Questions: 800-829-1040

Vermont Bond Bank (802-654-7377 or

Vermont Office of Purchasing and Contracting  (802-828-3519)
Vermont Procurement and Technical Assistance Center (802-522-9135)

Labor and Workplace

Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) Workplace Safety

VDOL Unemployment Insurance

U.S. Department of Labor  Contact: Brian Cleasby, Wage and Hour Specialist (603-606-3116 or

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  (Information hotline: 800-514-0301)

ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments 

ADA Guide for Small Towns 

Public Health and Safety

Vermont Department of Health (VDOH)

VDOH for Town Health Officers

Vermont Department of Public Safety (DPS) 

DPS - Vermont Emergency Management 

DPS - Division of Fire Safety

Public Records 

Vermont State Archives and Records Administration (802-828-3897 or


Vermont Agency of Transportation Municipal Assistance

Vermont Local Roads (802-828-3537  or


Vermont Municipal Associations

Green Mountain Water Environment Association 

Vermont Assessors and Listers Association  

Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police  

Vermont Community Development Association 

Vermont Government Finance Officers Association 

Vermont Municipal Clerks’ and Treasurers’ Association 

Vermont Planners Association 

Vermont Recreation and Parks Association

Vermont Town and City Management Association

Vermont Women Leading Government