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Elected or Appointed?

A Snapshot from the 2022 Compensation and Benefits Report

Vermont law allows voters to change certain statutory positions from elected to appointed. Respondents to the 2022 Compensation and Benefits survey shared information summarized below. Please note this is a sample from the full report, so majority responses are included while some negligible numbers are not. The total number of responses noted will not equal the summarized information.  

Elected and Appointed Officials 


  • 164 responses 
  • Elected 144, 87% 
  • Appointed 19, 12% 


  • 154 responses 
  • Elected 126, 82% 
  • Appointed 28, 18% 


  • 126 responses 
  • Elected 76, 60% 
  • Appointed 27, 21% 

Road Commissioner 

  • 116 responses 
  • Elected 18, 16% 
  • Appointed 97, 84% 

Delinquent Tax Collectors  

  • 162 responses 
  • Elected 92, 57% 
  • Appointed 49, 41% 

If you would like to order a printed or digital copy of the Compensation and Benefits Report you can purchase it in the Book Store. Municipalities that responded to this year’s survey received the digital copy of the report already and will have the printed copy soon.  

Authored By
Heather Law
Research and Information Specialist, Vermont League of Cities & Towns