From: Vermont Local Roads Program on behalf of Canarecci,Kim Kim.Canarecci@VERMONT.GOV (Vermont Local Roads Program via LISTSERV.VERMONTLOCALROADS.ORG)
Sat 7/22/2023 8:21 AM
REGARDING YOUR CONTRACTORS!! Sending out information again since I’ve heard some conflicting messaging floating around.
During the initial emergency, towns will likely NOT have any time to procure a contractor properly and therefore can hire one at a cost reasonable rate to make repairs. They should be cost reasonable and not debarred contractors- even during an emergency. These contracts should have a not to exceed clause and clear scope of work when using time and materials. During the emergent time, these contractors can put back the road to pre disaster condition and do not have to just do a temporary repair. Towns can fix their roads right in that initial pass -and should -if it can be done quickly…it could be challenging to find contractors willing to come back again and soon it will be winter. Emergency contractor doesn’t mean to do temporary work, it means work that is done in the emergency phase that is during the event and immediately after to gain access and safety on their roads.
However, NOW we are moving past that initial emergency of let’s make our roads safe and passable for emergency vehicles, and more into the longer-term rebuilding and recovery phase. This means that towns are required to now obtain contractors through the proper procurement methods….ie. follow your own procurement as well as federal which requires full and open competition for those projects over $250k in work and those less than $250k, you need to follow your own procurement as well as call 3 contractors in area to obtain bid quotes. Any ongoing projects as well as any that need engineering and long-term fixes will need to be properly procured and towns should NOT continue with those emergent contractors and should get those out for proper procurement as indicated above.
Thank you,
Kimberly Canarecci
Vermont State Public Assistance Officer