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Public Safety Communications Task Force Regional Town Hall Session

August 29, 2024


The Vermont Public Safety Communications Task Force invites all first responders, communications specialists and local/state officials to attend one of four Regional Town Halls. You can attend in person or remotely. More information and registration.    

Your feedback is critical to designing a future statewide system that meets the needs  of all.  Please let your voice be heard now, during this crucial information gathering phase of the project.

The State of Vermont, recognizing the critical need to safeguard public safety, has enacted Act 78 through the FY 2024 appropriations act. This legislation prioritizes the creation of a reliable, secure, and interoperable public safety communications system. By integrating 911 call-taking and regional dispatch systems into a unified network, Vermont aims to establish a system that is equitably financed and universally accessible across the state. This initiative marks a significant advancement in ensuring that every Vermonter has access to essential public safety services.

Regional Town Hall Information


Swanton Town Hall
Wednesday, September 11
5 PM to 7 PM

Fire Academy
Thursday, September 12
12 PM to 2 PM

Northeastern VT Regional Hospital
Tuesday, September 17
8 AM to 10 AM

Springfield Parent Child Center
Thursday, September 19
5 PM to 7 PM