The Assistant State Librarian asked VLCT to help inform and remind our members of a significant change and deadline for ordering prints of the upcoming Vermont Statutes Annotated, aka "green books". His message is below. To reserve a print, use this Department of Libraries form before Friday, June 7.
Dear Town Clerk,
You are receiving this message because your office received an automatically shipped copy of the Vermont Statutes Annotated (“green books”) last year. Up until this year, those volumes have been provided by the publisher at no cost.
This year, the state will need to pay $401.50 per recipient for four new title volumes, an index, and a set of pocket parts.
In an effort to save tax dollars, we are checking with each past recipient to make sure that you still want to receive them. We are only able to purchase limited quantities.
Keep in mind that an unofficial up-to-date version of the Vermont Statutes is free online and can serve as an alternative.
If you would like to receive a print of the new Vermont Statutes Annotated, Pocket Part Supplements, and Vermont Index to the VSA, please go to this form and respond by June 7, 2024 so that we may set printing quantities with the publisher.
Please note the Department of Libraries does not believe towns are legally required to have the hardcopy books on site, because it knows of no reference in statute to this.
Tom McMurdo, Assistant State Librarian, Info & Access, Vermont Dept. of Libraries