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New Grant - Winter Outdoor Sports Youth Initiative

December 12, 2024
children sledding

The Vermont Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness & Sports is accepting proposals for the development of new Winter Sports Youth Access Initiatives or improvement of existing Youth Winter Sports Initiatives in Vermont to foster access to sports and fitness activities, especially for youth from communities that historically have not participated in the activity primarily due to lack of access or feeling unwelcome or unsafe. The Council has $8,000 available for this one-time program. That funding may be split among multiple applicants.

What does this program fund?

The program will fund development of a new winter fitness and sports program, improvement of an existing fitness and sports program, or pursuit of new fitness and sports initiatives that will foster access for historically marginalized communities within Vermont. Funds can be used to cover materials, gear, supplies, transportation, and personnel expenses related to the establishment or improvement of a winter youth sports program or initiative with measurable health objectives and outcomes.

Applications focused on one-time events or equipment only requests are not eligible.

How does my community apply?

Proposals must be submitted via email by January 6, 2025, following the format and contents described in the Request for Proposals.

What will make our application competitive?

Competitive proposals will:

  • include a goal and objectives, outline strategies for meeting objectives, and include measurable outcomes expected as a result of the proposed program and strategies for assessing the impact of the proposed programs or initiatives.
  • demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in winter sports, particularly for Black, Indigenous and People of Color and traditionally underserved populations.
  • conduct all program work during calendar year 2025.
  • continue to have a positive impact on community health and wellness beyond the award period.
How can my community learn more?

Access the Request for Proposals and other information about this opportunity at Governor’s Council To Fund Winter Outdoor Sports Activities for Underserved Youth – Vermont Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.

Where can we find help?

Many municipalities lack capacity for grant writing and administration. VLCT published a resource, Increasing Municipal Capacity for Grants, that offers ideas for assistance.

Municipalities are welcome to use VLCT’s Meet with a Project Pro service to discuss potential funding sources for a project or to discuss project development. Through this service, VLCT narrows funding opportunities to those most pertinent to a project, saving municipalities time and resources. We also provide coaching for project development and grant management.