Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:18:05 +0000
From: AOT - Vermont Local Roads
Subject: First few days of flood recovery for municipalities - temporary emergency work
Sharing tips from the RPC's and DEC...
We have a FEMA disaster declaration. As you address immediate emergency work, do what is needed. If it is not an emergency need, then hold off. A few pointers about emergency work (what FEMA calls Category A)
- It is a temporary fix that should clearly look temporary - bumpy, etc.
- It is for life safety access (fire EMS) or to stabilize a dangerous situation.
- Might not be to spec but needs to be reasonably safe. (you should be able to remove it later for the permanent fix if not spec)
- Properly sign and cone off dangerous areas - if you need signs/cones, go and get them (and real MUTCD< https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2003r1/part6/fig6f-07-1_longdesc.htm> compliant ones - 28 in min with 2 retroreflective bands).
- Bank run or pulling material from nearby is OK...but don't take stuff from the river.
- Any work below top of bank needs to get notified to the river engineer <https://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/wsm/rivers/docs/RME_districts.pdf> and get an Emergency Protective Measure<https://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/rivers/river-management#regions:~:text=Emergency%20Protective%20Measures%C2%A0report%20form> form done, they are very busy but a great help in looking at a site and giving suggestions.
- VTrans techs will be working to look at spots but are on the state system first. RPC's are feeding your damage info you give us to them.Invoices and payments should be marked as 'temporary emergency repair'
- All work invoices have to note date and road location, as well as the usual quantity, etc. (i.e you can't just buy stone, you are buying stone for a spot)
- If using your own stockpile, keep track.
- Keep track of your staff hours and machine hours by day by site. (depending on if you are on a Federal Aid System (FAS) the rules are different but just document now - see attached list of FAS roads
- Before and after pics are essential.
- You do the temporary work and then submit for reimbursement, so get the proper authorization from the town. Repayment can take months. We'll tackle permanent repairs later!
- SAVE PICS OF EVERYTHING, BILLS ETC (this is a good role for town admin and financial staff)
- Document damages with GPS coordinates, pics and length and height of potential riprap jobs. Any other important info to convey? RME district maps, etc?
Be safe.
Holly Hayden, VLR Program Coordinator|VLR LMS Administrator Vermont Local Roads (VT LTAP)
Vermont Agency of Transportation
802-828-3537 office | 802-595-5657 cell | 802-828-1932 fax