To: Municipal Applicants for FEMA Public Assistance under DR4720 ("severe storms and flooding, July 7-21, 2023").
From: Canarecci, Kim <Kim.Canarecci@vermont.gov>
Date: Friday, February 9, 2024 7:15 AM
President Biden has approved 100% federal reimbursement for DR-4720 for Category A: Debris and Category B: Emergency Protective Measures projects for a 30-day window to be selected by Governor Scott. Governor Scott has selected the following dates:
Cat A – July 9 through August 7
Cat B –July 13 through August 11
Vermont appreciates the partnership and support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency in our response and recovery from the historic flooding of DR-4720. This additional level of assistance will certainly help Vermont applicants recover and allow us to focus more resources on investing in long-term recovery and resilience.
If you have a DR4720 CAT A or CAT B project that has already been obligated at 75% federal share and paid, our finance team will adjust your subgrant agreements as FEMA reobligates them for the additional 25% federal share. For all other projects, they will need to be formulated with your FEMA PDMG through the documentation process and will be paid from our finance team in the order of obligation.
If you have any questions, please reach out.
Thank you,
Kimberly Canarecci
Vermont State Public Assistance Officer