From: Vermont Local Roads Program on behalf of Eaton, Todd <Todd.Easton@VERMONT.GOV>(Vermont Local Roads Program via LISTSERV.VERMONTLOCALROADS.ORG)
Mon 7/24/2023 3:49 PM
MRGP towns:
I would like to acknowledge the hard work being done by towns since the storm events that have severely impacted many municipalities across the state and their efforts in repairing their roads, bridges, and culverts to make them accessible and safe for town residents. Some areas of the state reported over 10 inches of rain in a 36-hour period, with additional rains in the subsequent days. FEMA has begun meeting with towns across the state to assess damages.
In our initial post-flood assessments, away from the flood inundated valley bottoms, we determined that many undersized intermittent stream culverts, drainage culverts, and drive culverts were overwhelmed by the excessive amounts of rainfall, resulting in catastrophic failure to many miles of town roads.
The Municipal Roads standards, which include minimum non-perennial stream crossing diameter sizes, are contained within Section 6 of the Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP). A link to the permit is included below and standards are summarized in the attached document. Please contact your regional DEC Stream Alteration Engineer in replacing or repairing perennial stream culverts and bridge structures and other in-stream related work. RME_districts.pdf (vermont.gov)
Please remember to stabilize any bare soils during and after road reconstruction with seed and mulch, hydroseeding, and/or stone lining when working on connected road segments.
MRGP 2023 Final.pdf (vermont.gov)
I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that I am leaving the MRGP Coordinator position and state government. Evelyn Boardman is the new DEC MRGP Coordinator, effective immediately.
Evelyn’s contact information is: Evelyn.boardman@vermont.gov, (802) 636-7396
Thank you all for your hard work!
Jim Ryan
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation