For the past decade, the Better Connections program has funded planning efforts and provided technical assistance to increase multi-modal transportation options and improve land use, water quality, public health, and economic vitality in Vermont communities. By providing expertise and capacity support, the program helps municipalities engage residents, plan effectively, and design thoughtful projects that benefit the entire community.
What does this program fund?
The Program funds physical plans focused on: improved multimodal connectivity; active transportation and complete streets; access management; traffic calming; parking; wayfinding; rehabilitation of buildings; redevelopment of sites; housing; land use planning; and stormwater management.
In addition to development of the master plan, the program can fund corresponding economic and marketing plans to ensure the market viability of the proposed improvements and inform the municipality's capital planning.
Applicants have the option to pursue and compete for an additional $90,000 in Clean Water funding (a max of $30,000 per community) provided by DEC to engage in Clean Water planning within their proposed Better Connections project area.
How does my community apply?
Submit a pre-application form electronically and participate in a virtual, pre-application interview with program staff by January 24, 2025. Grant applications are due February 21, 2025. Applicants are encouraged to respond promptly and scheduled the pre-application interview as soon as possible.
What will make our application competitive?
Priority consideration is given to projects that:
- Are located within (or adjacent to) a state designated downtown, village center, neighborhood development area, new town center or growth center. Find your community on the visit the Vermont Planning Atlas to confirm whether it has a designation.
- Represent inter-municipal efforts.
- Support public health policies, increases access to healthy food, recreation opportunities, and/or other opportunities for physical activity in the community.
- Support water quality improvements that reduce nutrient and sediment pollution (by applying for a Clean Water Fund planning project).
- Support complete streets principles by incorporating multi-modal resource planning (public transit, rail, aviation, or rail trails) or active transportation (walking, biking, rolling, etc.)
- your municipality's planning process must be confirmed under 24 V.S.A. § 4350 by its Regional Planning Commission by February 21, 2025.
- if your project is on the State Highway System, you must have documentation of contact with your VTrans District Office.
- the Legislative Body (Selectboard, City Council, Trustees) must authorize the application, agree to program requirements, commit to provide the cash match, and designation a local project manager via a resolution adopted at a meeting.
- the Planning Commission must endorse the application/project via a vote at a meeting.
How can my community learn more?
The Better Connections Program is a partnership between the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans), Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD), and Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). To learn more, visit the Better Connections Grant Program webpage or contact either of the program staff:
Faith Ahearn Dall, VTrans Planning Coordinator, or 802-793-6680
Natalie Elvidge, ACCD Planning Coordinator, or 802-261-0681.
Where can we find help?
Many municipalities lack capacity for grant writing and administration. VLCT published a resource, Increasing Municipal Capacity for Grants, that offers ideas for assistance.
Municipalities are welcome to use VLCT’s Meet with a Project Pro service to discuss potential funding sources for a project or to discuss project development. Through this service, VLCT narrows funding opportunities to those most pertinent to a project, saving municipalities time and resources. We also provide coaching for project development and grant management.