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Legislative Reports

Each Monday during the legislative session, VLCT Advocacy publishes a Weekly Legislative Report and archives it here for the duration of the biennium. You may now also follow key issues throughout the session via the topical Advocacy Updates pages below. 

With Town Meeting Day and the legislature’s annual crossover break just around the corner, in this Weekly Legislative Report we prepare you to meet with your local law makers and advocate effectively for the most urgent issues for local government.  ...

Presidents Week is upon us, pushing the critical crossover deadline even closer. New bills continue to roll in despite the impending Town Meeting Day break, when lawmakers must vote on the session’s priority bills and send them to the opposing...

It’s the week between the Superbowl and Valentine's Day, and while competition is high, VLCT is feeling the love on some of our top priorities.  

In this Weekly Legislative Report, we update you on our proposed changes for Local Option Tax, the...