In the autumn of 2020, VLCT’s Board of Directors began taking deliberate actions to help our members tackle the complex work of justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. By the Spring of 2021, VLCT adopted a Statement of Equity and Racial Justice, adopted an Equity and Social Justice Plan, and formed an Equity Committee. In the Spring of 2022 VLCT adopted a 3-Year Equity Strategic Plan and an updated Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Toolkit. This page provides members with resources, tools, and sample documents developed through this process. These resources are not prescriptive, but instead aim to provide a variety of options to help members begin this work.
VLCT Statement on Equity and Racial Justice
The Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) recognizes the historic and continuing impact of systemic racism in Vermont. We, therefore, stand against racism and the systems that have perpetuated racial injustices. We are committed to being more visible, vocal, and supportive in our efforts to ensure equity and racial justice, and to directly address overt and systemic racism and implicit bias.
We are committed to ensuring that VLCT stands on the right side of history through bold and concrete actions moving forward. We know that cultivating a culture of belonging, diversity, equity, inclusion, and racial justice requires intentional effort and dedication. Therefore, we will work purposely to uplift a culture of justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as we work to integrate a climate of belonging and justice for all in the state of Vermont. We will anchor our efforts responsibly and be steadfast to support the dismantling of systemic racism and promote cultural humility across the state of Vermont. To this end, we will take the first of many steps to make impactful and sustained progress in these seven areas:
- Establish an Equity Committee composed of VLCT municipality members, staff, and partners – tasked with creating a strategic action plan that outlines efforts that will actively promote the principles of justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for VLCT and our members.
- Strengthen partnerships by working closely with the National League of Cities, members, and other organizations to broaden our relationships in ways that amplify our efforts and help to dismantle racism and other forms of oppression.
- Actively recruit and hire candidates of diverse racial and other backgrounds for staff and board positions.
- Provide regular professional development, learning, and training opportunities for VLCT board, staff, and municipal members (e.g., cultural humility, implicit bias, racism, recruitment equity, inclusive leadership, and racial justice).
- Develop and implement a digital toolkit of justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging resources and information to support members, partners, and staff efforts.
- Promote inclusion of diverse voices, perspectives, and imagery in our messaging and publications.
- Develop accountability structures to support improving justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the state of Vermont (e.g., strategic plans, assessments and review and monitoring of progress).
Read VLCT’s Equity and Social Justice Plan which outlines how we will undertake this work.
Read VLCT's 3-Year Equity Strategic Plan which outlines outlines the actions the VLCT Board, Equity Committee, and staff plan to do in the short term, medium term, and long term.