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Associate Membership Program

The VLCT Associate Membership Program is open to Vermont municipal entities that are not cities or towns. The program allows complete access to VLCT’s resources, and gives members the opportunity to interact with public officials at VLCT events where they are best situated to learn and share ideas. (VLCT Advocacy does not represent the interests of Associate Members.) Associate members are not voting members of VLCT, nor can associate member officials serve as VLCT Board members or officers.


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Associate Member Benefits

  • Eligibility to participate in VLCT’s group purchasing initiatives, including the two self-insurance
    pools: the Property And Casualty Intermunicipal Fund (PACIF), and the VLCT Employment Resource and Benefits (VERB).
  • Access to services of VLCT’s Municipal Assistance Center, based on the type of entity. Email for information.
  • Subscriptions to the bi-weekly VLCT News, the monthly VLCT Journal; the Weekly Legislative Report during the
    Vermont legislative session.
  • Member registration rate for educational workshops and VLCT's annual conference, Town Fair.
  • Member rates on publications, trainings, and more available in the Store.
  • Subscription to updates about federal and state programs and other developments that affect Vermont cities and towns.
  • Access to the Resource Library, a comprehensive collection of guidance, resources, model policies and more that relate to municipal government.


Associate membership may be granted to public entities that are authorized by various statutes, such as:

  • fire districts
  • incorporated villages
  • municipal libraries
  • water, sewer, electric, and public safety districts
  • county courts
  • recreational districts
  • regional planning commissions
  • solid waste management districts
  • regional transit districts
  • natural resource or conservation districts
  • regional ambulance districts
  • unorganized towns and gores
  • municipal housing authorities including the Vermont State Housing Authority

*To ensure that your entity is eligible, email See below for additional information on Restricted Associate Membership. 

Restricted Associate Membership

A Municipal entity eligible for Restricted Associate Membership is a member of PACIF only, and pays only the PACIF minimum insurance contribution. Other than PACIF, no other benefits are available to Restricted Associate Members.


The membership year is July 1 through June 30. The fee is pro-rated if you join during the year. Please email for specific information. 


About the League

The Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) is a non-profit, non-partisan association founded in 1967 to serve the needs and interests of Vermont’s municipalities. VLCT’s regular and associate membership, available to local government, has nearly 400 members. They include all 247 Vermont cities and towns as well as numerous villages, housing authorities, county courts, and fire, water, recreation, and solid waste districts. More than 6,000 elected and appointed municipal officials look to VLCT for legislative advocacy, educational programs, risk management services, and resource sharing. VLCT also works with state agencies, Vermont’s congressional delegation, and the National League of Cities to advance municipal interests at the state and federal levels.