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What is Invest EAP? 

March 06, 2023

Invest EAP is a Vermont-based public and private non-profit collaborative. We are the free, confidential, independent program that supports the health, safety, and well-being of you — VLCT PACIF members’ employees – and your household members. At Invest EAP, we know that no one is immune from life's challenges. Family dynamics, mental health concerns, work/life balance, financial worries: you name it, EAP can help you with it. We provide support and resources on a wide range of life issues.  

Services Spotlight 

Short-Term Solutions-Focused Counseling

Here at Invest EAP we recognize that life can be stressful. Whether it’s facing new challenges at work, juggling family responsibilities, or just managing major life events, your EAP has a roster of licensed, masters-level counselors who are ready to discuss and process these issues with you in a way that can help you lead your best life.

No matter where you may be located, or the issue that you’re currently grappling with, EAP counselors are available and trained to work with PACIF member employees on any issue that may be of concern, such as work-related stress, anxiety, grief, parenting, or relationship challenges. Through a series of short-term sessions, our counselors will help you identify resources and develop health strategies for success in your professional and personal lives.

Financial Consulting 

Is the high cost of eggs worrisome? Is the upcoming tax season causing you stress? Financial concerns can create stress and worry, particularly for employees who are unsure where to turn. Invest EAP offers financial consulting services to assist you and your household members with a broad spectrum of financial topics. 

Invest EAP offers online tools, resources, and a free 30-minute telephone consultation with a financial counselor for budgeting, debt consolidation, loans, mortgage assistance, retirement, saving for college, IRS matters, and other financial concerns. Financial consultants have extensive experience advising individuals on how to take control of their finances and plan for the future.  

In addition to telephonic consultations, employees can access tools and resources online through the EAP website. Tools and resources include:  

  • Articles and guides covering a wide variety of financial topics.
  • Online calculators and estimator tools.  
  • Frequently asked financial questions answered by professional financial experts.  
  • Financial forms and resources based on specific topics.  

Management Supports 

Just as individual employees benefit from self-referral to the EAP when they are under stress or grappling with personal or work issues, supervisors and managers benefit from reaching out to the EAP when facing supervisory challenges. 

EAP is a resource that HR and managers can turn to whenever an employee or workplace situation shows signs of trouble. It is always important to remember that EAP is a helping resource, not a punitive one.  

EAP can be a thinking partner for managers whenever an issue is proving difficult to resolve. Ideally, EAP is engaged by HR or management "early and often" before things get to an intractable point. The desired outcome: successful, happy employees and a balanced workplace, which can best be achieved if problems are identified early, and EAP resources are offered proactively. 

The Supervisory or Management Consultation begins with a call directly to our Management Consultation line: 888-392-0050. 

How Can I Access Invest EAP's Services?  

Still trying to figure out what to do about a problem or whom to turn to? Invest EAP can help. Our approach is positive and proactive. We are eager to serve you and encourage you to call us 24/7/365 for free, confidential help at 800-287-2173. Or you can request an appointment. You and any of your household members can also access resources, self-assessments, and a complete online orientation outlining your benefits at   

Looking to Learn More? 

We will be happy to discuss your EAP with you and your employees. Call us at 888-392-0050 and tell us you'd like to schedule an employee education session for your organization . 

Authored By
Emma Henderson
Worksite Wellness and Client Relationship Manager, Invest EAP - Centers for Wellbeing
Authored By
Bobby Arnell
Special Accounts/Strategic Services Director and SECURE Peer Program Director, Invest EAP - Centers for Wellbeing