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Resources for Rural Entrepreneurs

February 15, 2022


February 15, 2022. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recently published resource guide can help people in rural America start and grow businesses, create good-paying jobs in their communities, and strengthen America’s economy.

The guide features information on how rural entrepreneurs can use USDA and other federal programs to access financing and other assistance to help start and expand their businesses. It includes tools to help them:

  • expand their access to capital to create small business incubators. 
  • create value-added agricultural products.
  • access high-speed internet to connect their businesses to national and global markets. 
  • cut energy costs.
  • access health care resources to enhance the quality of life for their employees.
  • access workforce development and training opportunities to improve their skills, products and services, and more.

The guide also features firsthand stories on how USDA programs and services have helped them start or expand businesses.